The Future of Livestock Feeds and Supplements
The ProAgni ProTect® range of antibiotic-free supplements and feeds for livestock delivers improved feed efficiency and performance.
ProTect® Products
What is ProTect®?
ProTect is a bio-advanced standalone vitamin and mineral premix for livestock that can be used as a concentrate or full feed ration with 5% inclusion.
ProTect was developed by farmers for farmers to:
Maintain the Stability of Rumen pH
Shorten Induction Time
Make Induction Safer
Lower the Cost of Gain
Eliminate the Need for In-feed Antibiotics
Help Reduce Methane Emissions
Is ProTect right for your livestock?
Ask us about bulk options for feedlots and large operations.
How does ProTect work?
ProTect works by mitigating the risk of grain poisoning. It maintains the stability of ruminal – or gut – pH and removes the additional metabolic demands on the animal. That’s why you get a safer transition and better performance.
Animation of our cattle trial results from the University of New England, conducted by Professor Roger Hegarty in 2019.
ProAgni ProTect® vs Industry ‘Control Diet’
Inducting animals onto grain sets up the rumen for the entire feeding period, but it’s also the riskiest. Issues during this period are costly and compounding.
The trial tested the effectiveness of ProAgni ProTect, an antibiotic-free, stand-alone vitamin and mineral premix, against a control group – fed a medicated premix, including ionophores.

UNE trial, grain transition cattle – ProTect (TM) C Vs a standard feedlot diet (animation) – 21 days
Positive Results Without Antibiotics
Industry and university trials at the University of New England, West Texas A&M University, the Thomas Elder Institute, and Binginbar Farms have demonstrated positive results in the control of acidosis, competitive weight gain, and reduction of liver abscesses in cattle fed ProTect™, without the use of in-feed antibiotics or ionophores.
In cattle feed trials, ProTect products delivered a decreased incidence of lactic acidosis as well as increased live weight gains:
improving carcass weight dressing by 19kg
required to gain 1kg of live weight
The benefits of using ProAgni products from the beginning were obvious.
Rob & Jude Cooke of Cudal, NSW, went from producing 97kg of meat/ha/year to 300kg/ha/year in just five years.
“To make a $65.80/head net return after $25.20 in feed costs plus labour in six weeks is not a bad return.”
– Rob Cooke
The ProTect S supplement has had a direct impact on our bottom line
enhancing feed efficiency in a number of significant ways. Our lambs reach target weights faster while consuming less feed, and a remarkable average daily gain exceeding 500grams per head.”
– Ben Stanich, Feedlotter, WA, Australia
There was a 27% improvement on feed conversion using ProTect S compared to our bovatec based product,
I just feel so comfortable with the product. If it so happens that the meat works requires us to tick the box to say it’s antibiotic free, well we can do it.”
– DJ Castine, Sheep feedlotter, NSW
With ProTect we didn’t lose one animal
and when you are talking about stud rams you only need to lose a few and the cost of the loss starts mounting.”
– S Brien, Sheep stud, NSW
Increasing consumer expectations of food produced sustainably,
free of the use of non-therapeutic antibiotics and producing less emission is a priority for our operations. We believe ProTect™ provides a compelling commercial alternative to our traditional feed ration.”
– R Harris, Beef Feedlot, NSW
Promoting sustainable farming for a cleaner future
ProTect™ is about ensuring the sustainability of farming. By helping to reduce methane emissions, improving feed efficiency, and removing antibiotics, we can ensure a cleaner future for livestock, producers, consumers, and the planet.