Blue-sky concepts as variable as an on-property abattoir, a feed compound that saves the use of antibiotics, and genetic gains made through sexed semen run through the entries chosen as finalists for the MLA Producer Innovation Award to be presented at Beef 2018.
Consumer resistance to grain- finished stock that had been fed antibiotics or ionophores is behind the development of a dry-form probiotic compound, which is at the heart of the entry from ProAgni Pty Ltd.
Their recognition of a significant pain point for producers, that they could no longer supply their grain finished stock to large processors because of their use of products containing antibiotics or ionophores, saw them develop the unique feed supplement, branded ProTect AIF.
In doing so, other benefits, such as improved feed conversion and ease of use, as well as a potential 75 per cent reduction in induction times, have been identified. Read more